Steve Letendre, V2G expert
Steve Letendre, PhD
Director, Regulatory Affairs
Fermata Energy

Steve is a regulatory analyst and policy professional with over 25 years of experience specializing in the value of distributed energy resources and the grid of the future. He has worked collaboratively with numerous organizations including the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, California Air Resources Board, Green Mountain Power, and Smart Electric Power Alliance, among others. He has prepared direct testimony, technical reports, and analysis on a range of energy policy issues including the publication of the seminal article on V2G titled "Electric Vehicles as a New Power Source for Electric Utilities" published in 1997 in Transportation Research with Dr. Willett Kempton. Steve holds a Master's degree in economics and a doctorate in energy policy from the University of Delaware. At Fermata Energy, Steve works to promote policies, regulations, and wholesale market reforms that unlock the value that V2G offers to the grid and customers.

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