Now in its fifth edition, the V2G Forum, May 6-8, 2025 in San Ramon, California, brings together top industry players, working groups, utility professionals and others who are focused on the successful development and implementation of vehicle-to-grid in the United States. The utility host sponsor will be
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
The Forum offers a neutral venue in which different Vehicle-to-Grid stakeholders can come together to work on accelerating V2G standardization
and adoption in North America. A key focus is the utilization of V2G for enhancing grid resiliency, accommodating projected load growth, and providing
an additional technology strategy for utility flexible load programs.
The goal is to examine obstacles and challenges to effectively achieving
the potential of V2G, and to identify appropriate solutions and implementation success strategies for grid operators and other stakeholders across market verticals.
If V2G is important to the future of your organization, be sure to
register today and reserve your seat.
Topics to be Addressed Include:
Enhancing customer experience and acceptance
DOE perspectives on V2G
Mapping the migration path from V1G to V2G
Gap analysis and integration of competing industry standards
Achieving end-to-end standards, certifications and interoperability for V2G
Quantifying and communicating value of V2G to PUCs, utilities and customers
Compensation mechanisms for customers
Grid communication conformance standards
Role of the aggregator in VGI fulfillment
Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) requirements vs V2G/V2B
Success stories from early PUC implementations
Solidifying utility readiness for V2G
Alignment of federal requirements to enable more predictable adoption of VGI programs
Integrating the auto and utility cultures
Establishing industry-aligned goals to enable adoption, speed up scaling and accelerate ROI
Updates on the critical focus on V2G for medium and heavy duty vehicles
The state of interconnection: Driving down costs, installation and operations issues
Addressing regulatory and policy roadblocks
California SB 59: Stakeholder perspectives on how the CEC could enable customer program participation
Comparing V2G-AC vs V2G-DC vs split inverter models
Achieving national requirements for V2G cybersecurity
Optimizing VGI communications latency: speed, scaling and attractiveness of VGI for grid services
Forum Constituents:
Network strategists and executives at investor-owned, municipal, and rural utilities
Grid operations engineers and planners
EV program managers and fleet managers
Charging station infrastructure owners
Consultants and system integrators
EV manufacturers and charging network operators
Regulatory and standards experts
Technology innovators and equipment vendors
Energy storage, communications, and power control solutions providers
Urban planners and municipal transporation analysts
Researchers and analysts
Renewable energy providers and technology vendors
Financial and strategic investment professionals
Save the date and join your industry peers in May as we plan the future of V2G in North America