James Mater

James Mater

Co-Founder and Director of Strategy, Smart Grid

James co-founded QualityLogic and is currently a Co-Founder and Director of Strategy for Smart Grid. From 2001 to 2008, James oversaw QualityLogic as President and CEO. He is one of the industry-leading experts on smart grid standards, interoperability, and the maturity of eco-systems of products based on these standards. James has given dozens of presentations and authored multiple papers on interoperability in the smart grid. He is a member of IEEE 2030.5 WG, the IEEE 1547.1 and 1547.2 Work Groups, UL 1741 SC, SunSpec J3072 Profile, CharIN Focus Groups and more. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics from Reed College, Portland, OR and an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

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