Call for Speakers
The V2G Forum is designed to provide industry practitioners with a neutral, objective venue in which to discuss the issues facing vehicle-to-grid (V2G) deployment and identify potential solutions. The Forum includes in-depth business and technical presentations, as well as panel discussions and stakeholder workshop / roundtable sessions. The goal is to facilitate open discussion of pertinent issues across stakeholder groups, as well as foster collaboration on potential strategies for moving forward effectively in a unified manner.
For the October 2025 program, individuals who wish to deliver a stand-alone presentation or organize a panel session are invited to submit the following:
1. Name of speaker(s), title, company, and contact information
2. Presentation title (or title of panel or roundtable)
3. Abstract and objective of presentation or session (150 words)
4. Speaker or panelist biographies and photos
5. Bullet list of 3-4 Key Learning Points from the presentation or panel session
6. Session type (from list above)
Proposals should be emailed to by
Friday, June 20, 2025
Topics to be addressed during the Forum include:
- Quantifying and communicating value of V2G to utilities and customers
- Getting over the finish line: How do we accelerate
- What states are being successful with V2G and why
- Utility readiness for V2G
- V2G use cases and pilot/demo projects
- Heavy duty vehicles and V2G: trucks and buses
- Costs and feasibility of V2G installation
- Addressing regulatory and policy roadblocks
- Enhancing customer experience and acceptance
- Vehicle to Home (V2H) requirements vs V2G/V2B
- Alignment of requirements at the federal level
- Accelerating V2G in the emerging charging standardization regime
- The coming or stated EVSE/EV communications mandates in CA and U.S. DOT
- Mapping the migration path from V1G to V2G
- Achieving end-to-end standards, certifications and interoperability for V2G
- Gap analysis and integration of competing industry standards
- V2G-AC vs V2G-DC vs Split Inverter model
- Cybersecurity considerations in V2G
- Reconciling U.S. and European charging-related technologies, standards, regulations, and/or stakeholder expectations
- Battery impact: Addressing battery issues, used vehicles, and risks
- Optimizing interconnection speed, scaling and ease of use
- Enhancing visibility of DER resources
- Handling simultaneous discharge from multiple EVs and DERs
For further information or to discuss a possible presentation, please
contact us.